The manufacture of our DJOSSYE products ⏤ DJOSSYE

European manufacturing

Our products are manufactured within the European Union, they are therefore respectful of the laws on working and manufacturing conditions.

Sensitivity to the environment right down to the packaging

At DJOSSYE, we want to limit our impact on the environment as much as possible: from the composition of our stain removers to the delivery boxes. In this sense:

  • Our bottles are 100% recyclable.
  • The boxes used for our deliveries are recycled and recyclable.
  • The wedging chips present in the boxes are 100% biodegradable.
  • The tape is paper.
  • The composition of our products is based on minerals and plants.
Recycled and recyclable boxes.
Biodegradable wedging chips.
Recyclable bottles.
Of mineral and vegetable origin

Packaging carried out by ESAT.

The packaging of our products (bottling of our stain removers) is carried out by establishments and work assistance services (ESAT). These centers aim to socially and professionally reintegrate people with disabilities in an environment adapted to their needs. As you will have understood, solidarity and inclusion are also part of our commitments to which we are very attached.
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Voir les produits adaptés aux particulier maintenant.
Voir les produits adaptés aux particulier maintenant.