How to make your homemade solid shampoo, or how to choose it well?

More than a way of life, going to zero waste and reconnecting with bulk products is a real way to consume for ecological reasons. Zero waste takes place in all areas of our lives, at home, at work and even with friends!

DIY is Do it yourself, meaning "do it yourself" is a phenomenon that has considerably (and for the happiness of our planet) amplified during confinement. This tendency, accessible to all, should also largely continue. Indeed, it initially responds to entertainment, but also to a need for autonomy and a questioning of the products offered by manufacturers.

Djossye aims to give you the essential notions to know about solid shampoos so that you can start or continue the path to zero waste!

Why adopt solid shampoo?

More economical, healthier for your scalp and for the environment. The formulas of the majority of solid shampoos are more concentrated, rich in natural ingredients and essential oils. Manufacturers generally opt for the zero waste concept, and most of the time abandon irritating products and questionable preservatives.

Its small dimensions make it a product in a compact format, while having a particularly dry texture which allows it to be transported easily and completely avoids the risk of leakage. The solid shampoo is also practical since it is light and therefore less bulky.

However, the prices may seem excessive to us at first glance if we compare them to those of traditional liquid shampoos. But be careful… this remark is inaccurate. Very often, a solid shampoo is equivalent to two or even four bottles of liquid shampoo. Consuming better does not therefore necessarily mean consuming more expensively.

Regarding ecology, a good solid shampoo does not pollute, and does not dump chemical residues in the water.

How to choose and use it well?

Above all, a solid shampoo should not be packed in a packaging that pollutes otherwise there would be no real point in buying it.

If you don't have time to make your solid shampoo, we advise you to find out carefully about the composition of the solid shampoos you want. Select a solid shampoo whose formula consists of a maximum of ingredients of natural origin. Avoid sulphate and move towards natural surfactants, such as a mild foaming agent.

Conclusion ?

What if this year you set up a responsible beauty routine, good for you and for the planet?

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